Wednesday, May 30, 2007
changed skin....................................
plz comment/commend abt it on the tagbd. thks.
my previous just-changed skin was exactly same as YQ's.
therefore changed to this skin.
-- 16:15 0 comments
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
pictures for sec 3 ace camp....
btw derek tan suggested ACE camp to cambodia nxt yr (juz fyi)the scenery
natural forest
building #1
buildings #2

buildings #3

buildings #4

mosque, its quite nice anyway

view by the side of a national highway

jerantut town centre

pottery factory


spider in the bunk

jln rahman (the street where all the bunks are at) by night. i call it gan eng seng tekam blvd.
-- 18:28 0 comments
havnt blog bout 2day n ytd, therefore doing so now.
ytd went sch for more prep work for vietnam, then had a short amaths lesson (i pon halfway) n early dismissal @ 1pm. had lunch, then went 2 do some shopping for the items. found that we kena cheated when we payed $5.90 for 4 flashcards. fuck. nvm, thks 2 kannan, we found a reason to claim that cost.
2day went 2 sch damn early for spec course revision (mainly c and c) n finally got the admin instructions for spec course. i would be at AMQ camp for 2 days on 8-9 jun. after that much more prep work for vietnam. i kena little red riding hood's grandma in the skit performance for the orphans. nvm. after that we packed in the goodies for the children. after dismissal was more shopping......this time finally got everything we need. kena conned $0.60 by popular (bras basah complex). my fault for nt checking the chg properly.
now im damn tired due to fatigue......i only got 13.5 hrs of sleep in the past two days. and it would be my 3rd camp out of 4 in less than a month in two days time.
hv lots of fun in ur holidays....
-- 17:46 0 comments
Monday, May 28, 2007
back fr sec 3 camp......
Day 1
reported at 1430 for briefing, waited till 1600 then set off. i cut myself with my own knife( i dont know how i did it), even b4 we set off. i was in the last bunk of 3h (35/57). i saved them fr ricky, tat's wat they said. finally when reached tg pagar we were allocated to car 9, which was the closest 2 the loco but dunno y dont hv aircon. very hot. the ride was even more sian until derek tan fell asleep. he dint let us step out of the car besides going to the toilet. past midnite was more exciting (see below).
Day 2
i borrowed the ghost mask fr kisnaa n did wat i wanted 2 do. to scare each n every1 in the car besides derek tan (leave him for the return trip). i lent it 2 car 8 n they did the same. at 0315 finally reach jerantut. n we reached tekam at abt 0500. rested till 0700, had breakfast n rest again. activities started in the aftnn. our gp did abseilinbg 1st, quite fun as its my 1st time doing it on natural wall (i've done it many times on brick wall). i was the first to go. after dinner had nite activities.... design the team logo n flag... i gave out an interesting presentation (although it was sian for abt 50% of the time). and is getting the mike to finish my joke considered a great achievement? (tat's wat my classmates tell me) at night, quite peaceful sleep. 10 ppl came into my bunk. the word "park" (fuck) was invented.
Day 3
went for wet activities the whole day.....kena by derek tan when we set off coz i say bye to 3g n 3i. nvm, still enjoyed ourselves. morning did flying fox n river crossing. kena screwed again cos when the guide tell me to go into the river, i say 'let the girl in front of me go further first then i go cos i scared i too fast.' aftnn did white water rafting. feel that the capsize drill part was redundant. at night do team buliding again.... this time under mr mui, ask us to gather all the reflections of ppl in the grp n present. i, of course, was sabo-ed to present again. had quite a late night. due to GCH's debrief.
Day 4
almost late for reveille, did the cave exploration in the morning. made a very big mistake by wearing gd shoes n nt bringing extra clothing n footwear. nvm, it would dry....... it did dry in the canopy walk. it was great fun swinging the platform when ppl r on it n make them so scared. n also make them look down when they dont want to. my dryness of shoes were back to sq 1 in rapid shooting. everything juz got wet. its alright, n again we were the first grp to reach tekam in the evening (our grp(D) were the 2nd to return to tekam on day3, the first on both day2 and 4). had lots of time to bathe n change. at reporting time (2050) it was raining. campfire was cancelled (we dint prepare much). the coach sent us to the MPH of the resort where we saw the beautiful side of the *exotic* tekam plantation resort (we had been seeing the ugly side for the past few days). then after dinner (it was already 2300 then) it was camp closure. i got prizes fr zahara n derek tan. 3h guys had a ttl of 6 prizes.
Day 5
after camp debrief was boarding the bus to the train station. at the station the train was delayed fr 0224 to 0349. we left jerantut at 0400 sharp. we slept the whole journey. at kluang the loco was changed again, n at johor there was no immigration so the immigration officers (only 2) came into the train to check the passports person by person). all these caused more delay to the arival in spore. the train went thru the borders at only abt 1330, n finally reached tg pagar at 1500. we're back home. n its the end of the camp.
in this sec 3 camp, i learnt lots of things:
1. malaysia's interstate natl h'ways can be of only one lane in each way.
2. jerantut's town centre is no better than a shophouse estate in spore.
3. 64 km takes abt 1.5h to travel by coach.
4. i see only one miserable building in kota gelanggi when 'kota' is supposed to mean 'town'.
5. RTM2 provides tamil and chinese news besides malay language.
6. AC Milan 2-1 Liverpool in champions lge final.
7. the cave in taman negara was much difficult then i expect.
8. i dint use much of my experience in the camp.
9. ricky can dont bathe for 5 days.
10. there's nothing to be disappointed abt when i hv already put in my outrmost effort.
11. the camp commandant and year coach regard me as 'most helpful'
12. i dont like the way the leaders in this camp lead.
13. coz i use too much of military mindset thinking abt it.
14. the door is a very lousy one. three simple kicks in it+a few slams to it makes it fit for change.
15. my knife has been of great help to me in preventing myself getting into fights.
16. physically close distances can be worlds apart.
17. 32 has become the most sensitive number in the camp.
18. i am prepared at all times to surrender the battle that has just begun with me starting at the extreme losing end.
19. time really flies. therefore always cherish the present, esp those who you love and those who love you.
that's the end of our first and last sec 3 ACE camp. it has been a very successful one.
upload the picts tmr.
-- 23:27 0 comments
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
ytd wasnt my last post b4 pahang. this post is.
well, kinda excited now. spent the morning packing up
(and of course also planning the sabotage for ricky)
the trip isnt going 2 be new to me, i've experienced at least 75% of the activities, so it'll be no prob 4 me. i dont beliv this trip is going to tire me out. the total time of sleep is= total sleep i get in more than 2 annual camps.
bye for now, best of luck in pahang!
-- 11:48 0 comments
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
last post (or maybe last 2nd) b4 we set off to jerantut.
dont expect the camp 2 be tiring at all. although im beaten out with fatigue now, it was the vietnam trip tat caused me my energy. to me, the camp wud be juz another holiday away from home.
the IT lesson was fun. 2day is ms joseph's last day.....she was a very gd SS teacher although our grades werent impressing. wish her gd luck in her future endeavours.
the pahang trip saved us fr 1 AM period. hooray!
aft sch was briefing again, n wat does it mean by "keep up the gd job" when at least 50% of the notes was critisized?
when i was writing this, i noticed that i left my report bk in sch.
-- 16:49 0 comments
Monday, May 21, 2007
nvr blog recently.....damn busy, esp with vietnam activities.
went 2 LDC fri-sun
was a very short camp
the whole camp lots of lessons
sat go to pulau 3 scenarios to assess ldrship.....i kena ic 2 times
then old boy came in 2 lecture us...
sun break camp. it was the end of our last 2nd camp together.
2day was ok, wat CL said was a really very fucked-up statement. cant we relax for juz abit after the exams? then final breifing 4 vietnam...i kena scolded coz 10 sec 2s were absent.....sianz....
-- 21:16 0 comments
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
2day got back few more results.......AM result was crap, others was ok.
trg in the aftnn, looks like my command and control isnt bad at all.
btw heard that the drink stall opp sch would be moving soon. end of month.
-- 18:16 0 comments
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
returned to sch, got back results. nt fun. did quite well, a bit better than i expected. but remember, no matter what,
coz the world is much more than results. we arent 3i where our life rotates around results, studies n sch work. there's much more to look forward to in life. Always remember, failing does nt mean that u hv failed, it means tat u havent succeeded yet. Remember tat victory is always possible 4 the person who refuses 2 stop fighting.
If u got very good results, i hv juz 1 thing 4 u 2 remember, that is even u r on the right track, u will get run over if u juz sit there.
enough of that.
in AM lesson i was called up twice in one simple aftrnn. 4 ncc. schedule is getting tighter day by day. prepare for a donation drive tmr onwards.
now lets keep in touch with the world
1. Singapore is named the fifth most tax-friendly economy in the world after UAE, Qatar, Hong Kong and Cyprus. That makes the republic second in Asia losing out only to Hong Kong. by Forbes
2. Although breaking the 3500 mark yesterday, the ST Index fell 26 pts to close at 3475 in today's session. by SGX
3. For your information, Singapore will host one of the races in the 20-race season in 2008 for the Formula 1. Prepare to watch the likes of Kimi Raikonnen, Fernando Alonso, Lewis Hamilton and Felipe Massa racing through the streets around City Hall, Suntec and Marina Bay in their Ferrari and McLaren cars.
-- 18:39 0 comments
Monday, May 14, 2007
2day went to sch 4 briefing.....briefing.......& briefings. it was a totally boring day.
look 4ward to sch tmr. also look 4ward to camps. it would be a test of fatigue in the jun hols.
nvm, ppl r making life better 4 me by pestering my tagbd.
to brighten up ur life CLICK HERE.
-- 17:09 0 comments
ytd wasnt interesting, no special celebration 4 mothers day
Sat was better. caught spiderman3 at greatworld. can say that it was nt bad a show, story on friendship n love. Rating 4.0 stars.
-- 08:38 0 comments
Friday, May 11, 2007
HOORAY!! exams are over, life is greater than ever.
chem1, had more confidence than any other sci n maths paper.
went 2 mac aft exams, then home, my bro brought 2 frenz 2 play......the whole aftnn.....until now. at least after 2day i know 2 more out of 6.3b ppl in this vast world
btw heard that its marking day nxt tues. confirm pls.
-- 18:04 0 comments
Thursday, May 10, 2007
physics was ok, nt that hard, but nt easy at all. juz work hard n get results ;-)
suddenly feel tat life is great. dont know why shud be coz of the ending of exams. last paper of MYE07 2 go. our last official MYE in gess.
i ate a new kind of indian food 2day. its called "Utthapam" [woo-ta-palm, in case u dunno how 2 read] tired now, trying 2 get a little braindrilling 4 chem1 tmr n hope can rest well 2nite......4 the celebrations tmr.
-- 18:14 0 comments
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
2day's papers were hell. geog, didnt complete the 2nd half of the last qn. it was the part that was at my fingertips yet there was nt enough time. chem2, finished far ahead of time, but nt that confident with the answers. physics tmr. (left with 3 papers 2 go b4 MYE finishes) CANT WAIT.
if u r bored, there is a new relaese of the latest game now, CLICK HERE..
-- 22:08 0 comments
Monday, May 7, 2007
exactly one yr+1 day ago it was the GE. do u tink spore's leaders hv done a great job?
n finally, left with the last 4 subjects (6 papers) to go!
COUNTdown to END of exams
Recent release- according 2 MOE calculators are allowed in pri 5&6 exams. Visit for more details...
&prepare 4 a crazy celebration on 11May!
-- 17:57 0 comments
Saturday, May 5, 2007
ytd was the MT paper 2......not that easy at all. the compre easy 2 understand, but qns kill. hope 2 get a decent score
-- 13:36 0 comments
Thursday, May 3, 2007
2day is the 1st official MYE exam day......still havin the very-relaxed mood
EL2 was not very easy, the summary was a headache.
EM2 was much better......
tmr would be MT2. more compre...
-- 16:55 0 comments
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
real brotherhood........
i would like to thank sundram for his effort in bringing back ALL my books for me to study. THANKS BUDDY!
-- 18:32 0 comments
long time nvr blog....
Thurs 26/4
the 1st 2 papers of MYE 07- EL1 n CL1....wasnt too hard at all. the tension in the hall was like _____. write...and write...and write. i threw away 1 pc writing paper for each paper....both bcoz wrong format. after tat see cpt beh 2 collect edusave form for oversea trip....394 is how much we have to pay.
Fri 27/4
sch was as usual....aft sch was slightly more exciting. we demo accel, n almost demo free
evening was the 1st time i took public tpt (besides taxi) 2 the airport, 2 fetch my father who juz returned fr overseas
Sat 28/4
bought a new memory card fr sim lim, @only $17.90 for a 1GB micro SD. then at night went 2 merchant court swissotel 2 attend my mother's friend's brother's wedding. he married a korea girl n i must say tat the whole ceremony was the most unique one i hv ever seen.
Sun 29/4
finally, i really did some studying, but the attempts were abrupt, n it was not tat natural 4 me 2 study seriouslly.
Mon 30/4
back to sch....we decorated the class "once n 4 all", i packed the cupboard+sweep the floor, i beliv evry1 contributed n played their part
Tue 1/5
Labour Day, at least theres 1 day of holiday 2 relax juz b4 the exams. was out the whole morning n part of the aftn 2 send my father to the airport. again, did not really study much in the aftnn.
Wed 2/5
im sick again, with fever n flu. maybe i thinked too much.
if u wanna fail MYE, fail with 7 colours (by lauzy):
red(red pen),black(words),green(correction),light blue(my pen),white(paper),grey(pencil), dark blue(my pen), dark red(blood)
Quote of the Day
"The greatest mistake you can make in life is continually fearing you will make one."
-- 09:10 0 comments