MYE starts tmr...
many ppl have already started revising, yet i havent.
many ppl are miles away fr the screen, yet im juz right in front of it.
cant help. its my usual attitude.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
i was late again 2day...and owe the discipline dept 10 hrs of detention. everything was like normal...then the time when heartbeat, breathing and stress lvl increase is during ss lesson n the test was given out. i got 7/12. it was shit. then pon assembly for the UNSW intl sc quiz...not tat hard after is physics lesson. after the lesson i planned n constructed sundram's shock of his life tgt wif faisal, n then go home. @ the bus stop i waited 15 mins 4 the bus. the bulk of waiting time was used up 2 listen attentively to 3 indian women quarreling. words* like suthu and para pe flowed out of their mouths. it was a damn fierce quarrel. tat's all 4 2day but before i leave the screen,
Ex-Russian President Boris Yeltsin passes away at 76, he was the one who demolished the Communist USSR and formed modern-day Russian Federation.
Car bomb kills 9 US airborne soldiers in Iraq, Al Qaeda claims responsibility
-- 20:27 0 comments
Monday, April 23, 2007
spent the whole wkend at home, 2 "study". received news tat i wud hav 2 go 2 vietnam in the hols, n tat makes 4 camps (or 18 days worth of camps) in less than a month fr 18may-18jun. LDC, Sec 3 Camp, GESS NCC Overseas Trip and lastly SC.
2day, brainwashed by TKT on goals in life, n found tat he had a crappy sec sch n post sec sch life. sundram later talked 2 me (another topic) n both inspired me.
Quote of the Day
"After the game, the pawn and the king goes into the same box."
-- 16:08 0 comments
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Globe-shocking Virginia Tech University shootings: S Korean Virginia Tech student Cho Seung-Hui shot 33 dead, including himself, on Tuesday. Videos recorded between first shooting (7.30 am) and secong shooting (9.30 am) were released less than 6 hours ago and showed that the killer had signs of mental distortedness. Seoul expressed surprise upon knowing the shooter is Korean. President Bush was also present for the vigil in memory for the dead at Virginia Tech. However, despite the killings, US announced that there is no rush for control on guns locally.
Another shocking news: Nagasaki mayor Iccho Ito was assissinated on Tuesday, with two gunshots in his body. Regional political leaders expressed shock upon the news. Japanese PM Shinzo Abe calls it a "challenge to democracy".
English Translation in China: 1. female toilet labelled with a female sign and "toilet" in chinese has the english translation of "gentlemen" 2."silent"=keep static 3. toxic and harmful waste =toxic and evil waste
Spore made documentaries have high demand in the world- survey
Another survey shows ppl thinking that US cannot be trusted to act responsibily in the world.
back 2 the other side of blogging...
Wednesday 18 Apr
My score: 3As(2.4, inclined, situp), 2Bs(shut run, sit n reach) 1C(standing brd jump)
Topped 3 items in 3h- 2.4(margin of 19s), inclined(margin of 8 pulls), sit ups(joint top)
im still VVVERY, VVVERY, VVVERY unhappy wif my results.
Thursday 19 Apr
-WCY made el a little more intersting...giv us 1 period 2 design the class
-Physics' rank in subj interst had dropped fr 3.5 stars to 3 stars.
-A maths test 23/25.........
Friday 20 Apr
-4 the 1st time in 2007 i really did geog hw
-talking 2 my former co wud make me perspire like shit
-- 02:54 0 comments
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Year 3 Prize Giving cum Head Coach meet the Parents Session
i sat fr only 1935-2015 as i was doing cp duty. i directed the cars 2 the driveway accoring to the ppl nearer to the gate. felt like a doorman, as i had to open the door for each n every non-gessian (teachers regarded as non-gessian). my role was also 2 ask them whether they wan parking or not. then left @ 2015 for family gathering. damn song ah! u ppl sit fr 1830-2100, i skipped more than half the thing.....hahahahahahaha................
-- 03:15 0 comments
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
3I sux!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
back fr Macau SAR

-- 20:16 0 comments
Friday, April 6, 2007
im now in china, takin a chance 2 visit my Gangster Corporation durin tis long weekend. gonna pon sch on mon. dunno wats the new timetable like, hope tat all the f***ed-up lessons eg SE, EM & EL wud be concentrated on mon.
2 be exact, im in macau. to gamble? 3 yrs later.
actual reason my father works here n im here 2 pay him a visit since its a long weekend.
the plane departed 2130 last night n arrived 0100 tis morning. slept @ 0445 and woke up @ 0830. went out 2 shop 4 tv, hifi n anything else a household shud hav. meals r costly here. for 4 ppl, steamboat costs abt MOP 350 (SGD 70), local food abt MOP 170 (SGD 34) n japanese food abt MOP 300 (SGD 60). transportation quite ex too. thx 2 my father's nissan tiida which brought us round n round tis las vegas of the orient. its quite a nice car, complete with hi tech security systems n lcd screen. majestic views of sands, lisboa, cotai strip and wynn can be viewed here too.
macau's a nice place 2 be. come here if u had the choice.
(note: not an ad by macau tourism board)
-- 18:30 0 comments
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
changed skin................. i truly hate hw.
2day oral, but evry1 heck tester....GCH(guess who he is)
i tink i did fairly well........
im not in luck 2day, morning come sch evrything ok, cl lesson got caught talkin 2 sundram, nvm, chem nothing happen, social elect...sleep but ZH nvr see......el go slack wif sundram & co again n wcy ask me go back sit...sian.......then left my phone in class. tat's the worse of all.
besides this.
National Award For Physical Acheivement (NAPFA) Test
Item #6
2.4 km walk-run
conducted on 4 Apr 07 at 0930
for 3h07 of
My timing- 10:08
Current class record- 10:08
Previous best individual timing- 11:15
Previous class record- 11:15
-- 21:19 0 comments
Monday, April 2, 2007
Reward for an Ironman
wat is the reward 4 being an ironman? no trophy, no medals, no cash, no honour, no media. only sickness. tat's exactly wat is happening 2 me 2day. i havent been sick since i stepped into gess. is this supposed 2 be an apr fool joke? not really. i felt very uncomfortable fr 8.30 last night, down with gastric n giddyness, n later, fever. tat explains y im not in sch 2day. despite sickness, i still managed 2 blog. heres a quote 2 inspire u ppl n also myself:
"Champions triumph, but will fall one day. If you have been a champion and triumphed, prepare to fall."
-- 13:36 0 comments
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Sports Fiesta- Day Review
2day is the Annual GESS Sports Fiesta 2007. so happy, dont nid to bring any books. 0800, soccer match start. i was excluded fr the team, and witnessed the 1-0 defeat @ the hands of 3d, by a give-away penalty. the ref totally had no STANDARD. cant even tell when 2 giv a penalty & when not 2. received even shocking news tat our team lost 2-0, 1-0 in the other 2 matches, marking the fallout of 3h fr the championship fr the group phase. so, here is the standings 4 3H:
Pos 4/Played 3/Won 0/Drew 0/Lost 3/Goals For 0/Goals Against 4/Goal Diff -4 Points 0
road relay- tiring but we got 3rd
the 3h team ran 18 rounds in 30 mins, not hitting my personal tgt of 21. however, we managed 2 clinch bronze (3rd). i myself ran 4 rounds, n was very much giddy after the whole run. this didnt stop me fr missing the placing round 4 3G n 3f. i ran all the way 2 the hall immediately aft the prize presentation despite my fatigue, juz to witness the last part of the floorball final tat we lost 2-0 to 3f. review on the performance of 3h (many other info fr 3h blog):
netball-1st, floorball & table tennis- 2nd, road relay- 3rd (only medal in big 3*)
*big 3: soccer, road relay, basketball
april fool
the origin of apr fools day
Throughout France in the early sixteenth century, New Year's Day was observed on March 25, the advent of spring. The celebrations, which included exchanging gifts, ran for a week, terminating with dinners and parties on April 1.
In 1564, however, in beginning the adoption of the reformed, more accurate Gregorian calendar, King Charles proclaimed that New Year's Day be moved back to January 1. Many Frenchmen who resisted the change, and others who merely forgot about it, continued partying and exchanging gifts during the week ending April 1. Jokers ridiculed these conservatives' steadfast attachment to the old New Year's date by sending foolish gifts known as poisson d'avril, or "April fish" (because at that time of year the sun was leaving the zodiacal sign of Pisces, the fish)....
Years later, when the country was comfortable with the new New Year's date, Frenchmen, fondly attached to whimsical April Fooling, made the practice a tradition in its own right.
-- 13:41 0 comments